Just A Heads Up

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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby CommanderOtto » Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:36 pm

[m'kay] wrote:
Hadrian_ wrote:
CommanderOtto wrote:you can report him in the FBI for online harrassment. He'll never bother you again.

i'll try to find out about security in xfire. If I find something i'll tell you. Why don't you get out of the forum or ask someone to ban the guy from the forum? If you don't want to go to the FBI you can send a Cease and Desist letter, warning him to stop or you'll take legal action (even if you don't really plan on doing so). If he's not a complete dumbass he'll stop and feel worried for a week.

Thanks a lot man! I gotta try that with a few people on swbf2. Good Luck Nite.

You and Otto are both completely delusional. The FBI does not give a [m'kay] about some ten year old kid being a prick, even if he is really goddamn annoying. Even if such a case would hold any ground whatsoever, how exactly would the legions of stupid ass kids populating the internet react to someone testifying against a kid for being a [Richard]? You two are ridiculous. Good luck with your troubles, Nite.

of course they don't care... but if you send a cease and desist letter to his inbox (and if he's a kid) he'll start crying at home and leave you alone. You know how schoolkids cry for about anything, even in highschool (not to mention that my FBI idea was sort of a joke :whistling: ). I once told a guy to stop trying to hijack an account in another game or that I would report to the FBI for trying to invade my privacy .... the guy stopped. I didn't mean it, but it worked. But if it's something more serious, like threats or something...... then you do need to report it to the authorities (but that's not the case here....)
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby NiteRunner81 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:40 pm

Otto and Hadrian -- I refuse to waste my time by bringing on a big gun that may or may not work or get his jollies off and make him want more...

Yesterday they redid some of the pressure point tests and those throw me off HARD cause pain exhausts me... and in the point near the shoulderblade he did a number on me. it stings and burns and makes me want to punch a wall...
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby CommanderOtto » Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:53 pm

ahh nite, that's terrible. I hope you feel better soon =(
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby NiteRunner81 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:23 pm

However I'm grateful... he did allow me to reintroduce my mid-day dose of medication which was becoming an issue... I was taking it at 9 AM and PM and by 7-8 I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms (which is not a sign of addiction, just a sign that your body is becoming dependent or *used to* functioning with the medication at certain levels), and I would need to lay down and take naps...

btw -- Wulf -- do you have Fred Meyer next to you? Go in and if they still have them get yourself a Cozy Hug animal.. I got the Penguin, Monkey, and Tiger.. Its an aromatherapy heating thing, you microwave it. (I am actually learning to sew these right now) and it gives about 3 or 4 hours of heat. (Eyes -- this is the penguin I kept saying I was nuking all day one day)..
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby THEWULFMAN » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:59 pm

I have some small heatable packs like that already, thanks though. :)
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby CommanderOtto » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:38 pm

NiteRunner81 wrote:....I would need to lay down and take naps... Go in and if they still have them get yourself a Cozy Hug animal.. I got the Penguin, Monkey, and Tiger.. Its an aromatherapy heating thing, you microwave it. (I am actually learning to sew these right now) and it gives about 3 or 4 hours of heat. (Eyes -- this is the penguin I kept saying I was nuking all day one day)..

how cute :innocent:
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby NiteRunner81 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:29 pm

I just wanted to let you all know that all week last week (expect Friday) I spent it primarily on the couch sleeping off and on (only getting up when my son needed something) till Boose came home from work. I don't know whats going on but its been horrible, I just feel absolutely drained, even after getting 8 hours of sleep.
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby THEWULFMAN » Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:35 pm

Aw man Nite. Sorry to hear that. Sounds all too familiar. Are you eating well? I suspect part of why I feel so drained is I might be anemic, so I'll be getting iron supplements soon. Can't hurt me, I know I'm not getting enough iron in me.
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby NiteRunner81 » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:02 pm

I've noticed that my pain levels have been a bit more touchy with the addition of junk food.. back out with the junky cookies and in with Boosie's home made Nutritional Oatmeal Cookies.. and I have to re-introduce my 3 avocados a week..

as for Iron... I'll get on that.. sounds like a distinct probability.
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Re: Just A Heads Up

Postby NiteRunner81 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:30 pm

So... earlier this week I decided to discontinue all pharmaceutical methods of pain control. Started on Monday... I'm feeling okay so far.. only mild withdrawals. I am treating them with Kratom.. You may want to look into this, Wulfi!
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