Common Core "State" Standards

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Re: Common Core "State" Standards

Postby burzerker » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:02 am

I have a child in first grade, one in pre school and one more on the way. I am shocked at the leftist drivel my kid is already telling me her teacher is saying, if this common core gets implemented around here I am going to really flip out. I live in a fairly conservative area too! I can't imagine what would happen if we were in CA or NY.. I wish I could take my kids back to Canada where I got a better education and very little of the non-sense they give away here, or if I had the money they'd be in a private school tomorrow... UGH.. The damned schools don't even need the money if they stopped wasting it on having more administrators than teachers. We spend the second most per pupil in the world and get a pile of rancor poodoo for it. I fear for the future (of the US) :cursing:
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