blocksprint/wallriding tricks

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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:21 pm


It's not a matter of right and wrong it relates to how people wish to play in accordance with the rules from SWGO on HA. If people want to CB etc etc so be it. If you can't handle that and find it pathetic that's entirely up to you however unless there is going to be a radical change to HA then just get on with it.

I never said I was right/wrong or vice versa I have been pointing out what other people do and it's their choice relating to how they play the game.

Some people have lack of knowledge or prefer to fight the way they do.....and? Are they fanatical, bit of a strong word to use for a game don't you think? Enjoyment springs to mind on a public server. Are professional gamers playing for money here, no! People are here to enjoy themselves as per the rules and their own gaming style.

I know what you are trying to point out and it's been done many times before especially in-game.

The fact of the matter is however they play is their choice, if you/I or the vast majority agree with it or not. If you find them funny or unfunny it's how they play the game and have fun.

Koko wrote:


Just because the mighty Koko thinks it is pathetic because of a game style for some players is going a little 2 far. Most people are on the server to have a laugh and have fun.

If you want to host a server which removes all trace of what you have stated from peoples game play/style then jog-on and set something up. I'm sure you would find it hard to admin but at least you would be happy and be able to play in "funny" environment as oppossed to the "unfunny" one that you currently frequent with the back slashing Yoda's and CBing players. I did not realise you were so unhappy whilst playing on HA. :eek:



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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby KOko » Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:27 pm

(SWGO)Kren wrote:it relates to how people wish to play in accordance with the rules from SWGO on HA.

No, Kren, everything I said had nothing to do with rules on HA.
My only point was that blocksprint is just another technique and that overusing/abusing/spamming it may be annoying just like with every other technique.
Where is the drama, Kren ? When did I classified anything as right or wrong ? What is so hard here to understand ? What exactly do you want to prove here ?

As I already mentioned twice, it seems to me that The Pope will understand my point ages before you.
Just because you are so focused to prove me wrong no matter what...

PS: If the fact that I find something annoying is the source of all this drama... well, we have the right of free speech here in Bulgaria...
and the way you call me "Bulgaran Jedi" lately reminds me of Leggz calling me "3d world foreigner" :lol:
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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:06 pm


Your original bit regarding players:

Koko wrote:

Cmoon Matt, the only reason to forbid the use of slow run is because it goes around choke. Maybe it lags the server somehow but thats just a speculation.
I don't like blockrun abusers just as I don't like any other abusers.... CB, CD, bs... 180 turns, mash... pull, push... its just unfunny to play someone who repeats same move all the time...
But from all types of abusers the CBers and assfighters are the worst.

Koko wrote:

Some will care about the result and some will care about the way... at the end of the day this is the very difference how ppl may experience fun in the same game.

I am trying to point that there may be endless ways of pathetic overuse of any technique if one lack the knowledge and confidence to play the game free of fear and fanatical desire to win . I find those ppl unfunny to play with. And I don't rly understand why do you try so hard to prove me wrong...

I mentioned that people will play how they play within the rules for fun, it's not going change thats all, that's the bit I was trying for you to understand. :lol:

I agree that it can be frustrating for some players when presented with CB etc etc but hey that's how things are.

Drama, there's always that in-game or in the forums you can count on that! :lol:


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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby KOko » Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:50 pm

Yet again, I was only expressing how I feel about those players. Not even a bit of mentioning if its right, wrong, allowed or not, etc...
Some players are annoying! Accept it!
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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby haasd0gg » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:11 pm

KOko wrote:Some players are annoying! Accept it!

I believe you meant most, not 'some' :dots:
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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby (SWGO)Kren » Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:24 pm

Well Koko, you must have a view on it otherwise you would not have strongly expressed your views about "those" players and the techniques they employ. Or was it simply to obtain a view from people visiting the forum?

Everyone accepts that some players can be annoying but wow, big deal such is life.



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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby Mace Hindu » Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:01 pm

lol i feel sorry for spammers because they dont realise if they are equ or lesser than me in score to me when im no forcing/ the odd push if im getting gangbashed while they r double/triple pushing, andif thats there best then they will be screwed when i start doing it back.

i have to agree with kren about repeating moves i mean watch a maul play no force.... dash mash dash dash mash bs mash dash dash dash dash BLOCK is like a typical no force maul now
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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby Flyswamper » Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:21 pm

Mace Hindu wrote:lol i feel sorry for spammers because they dont realise

I think what Kren would say, and I would agree, is something like this....

I suspect that spammers don't really care how you feel about them or whether you think you are better than them or not (or whether you really are or not). "Back in the day" one of my favorite guys to play with and against was swampfox10 because I always got the impression he was there for the fun and couldn't give a flip as to whether he won or lost. That is my kind of gamer (and is the gamer I always *try* to be). Occasionally though, we all let in these ideas such as what is honorable/noobish/etc... sneak into our thinking while playing video games. Someday, we will all come to realize just how foolish that thinking is/was......

Enjoy your time playing, as long as the other guys isn't blatantly cheating....stop worrying about them and just enjoy the fun and challenge.... life is so much better that way....

Master this approach and you truly will have pwnzor

P.S. I don't always follow my own advice...but that doesn't make it any less valid....
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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby Draigun » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:48 am

1) CB was SUPPOSE to be block. But since your block doesn't work, you have to block correctly, which IS CB.
2) I think KOko is taking this game a little too serious. C'mon man, lighten up. It's just a game that users have the ability to wield a lightsaber or to shoot players at their choosing.
3) Although, if 3/4 of the server were double-pulling, their truly is no fun because you need to go out of your fun self and then do stuff that some may consider not to be as fun as their true self. Plus, if you kill someone, you get pulled less than 5 seconds.
4) It is fun of having skilled players. It's nice to have a good no-force match once in a while. The same thing applies with the less skilled players. They verse each other and have fun with the same level of skill.
5) Their is a reason why there is so many different skill levels in the HA server; this is what makes HA truly fun, unlike the other servers. SWGO is known to have skilled and new players. It's like an environment. Different species with new abilities that you've never experienced before; old species that play the game in a fun/skillful way. Without this, wouldn't it be boring to face the same skill in the same server? I'd say so. Since HA is a combination of old/new, skilled/unskilled, it makes the server a more fun place to enjoy the game.
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Re: blocksprint/wallriding tricks

Postby KOko » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:18 am

To shorten the topic for newcommers:

HINDU: Look @ my cool moves. Their 133t!
KOko: Their old.
HINDU: NO U! I know 5 noobs who dont know em!
Matt: Their not allowed.
Ralon: COOL! WUT?
KOko: Their annoying, just like everyone else.
Kren: GTHO.
KOko: NO U!
Kren: lrn2play... or GTHO.
KOko: NO U!
Kren: lrn2play, or change the rules... or GTHO.
Corpse: NO U!
KOko: Those ppl are annoying.
Kren: lrn2play, or change the rules... or GTHO.
KOko: NO U!... this is getting so annoying...
Haas: I believe I can fly.
Kren: lrn2play... or GTHO.
Fly: All you need is love.
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